Memorial Park, Independence Ky 7 3 2021

Upper Deck @ the Cove 5 22 2021

Legion 203 4-24-2021

Brick House 2 - 27 - 2021

Brickhouse 6 5 2021

GoettaFest 7 29 2021





Goetta Fest Covington 8 8 2021

Weather Oar Knot 7 10 2021 (Not even the rain could slow this party train down.)

​​Florence Y'alls Stadium 6 26 2021

Weather Oar Knot 5 8 2021

Upper Deck @ the Cove 8 14 21

Sickfish Cycles Bike Night 7 30 2021

Legion 203 Pig Roast 8 7 2021

New year, New Places, New friends!!! Lets DANCE!!!